Source code for metloom.dataframe_utils

from logging import getLogger
from typing import Optional
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

from .variables import SensorDescription

LOG = getLogger("metloom.dataframe_utils")

[docs]def join_df( df: Optional[pd.DataFrame], new_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame], how="left", on=None, filter_unused=False ): """ join two dataframes handling None Args: df: optional dataframe new_df: optional dataframe how: method for merging on: optional kwarg for DataFrame.join filter_unused: boolean, whether to filter out columns with _unused in then name Returns: The joined dataframes. This method prefers values from the first if columns are overlapping and renames the overlapping values from the `new_df` to <column>_unused """ if df is None: result_df = new_df elif new_df is None: result_df = df else: try: result_df = df.join(new_df, how=how, on=on, rsuffix="_unused") if filter_unused: columns = result_df.columns final_columns = [c for c in columns if "_unused" not in c] result_df = result_df.filter(final_columns) except Exception as e: LOG.error("failed joining dataframes.") raise e return result_df
[docs]def merge_df( df: Optional[pd.DataFrame], new_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame], how="left" ): """ join two dataframes. Assumes the dataframes are indexed on datetime Args: df: optional dataframe new_df: optional dataframe Returns: The merged dataframe """ if df is None or len(df) == 0: result_df = new_df elif new_df is None or len(new_df) == 0: result_df = df else: try: result_df = pd.merge_ordered( df.reset_index(), new_df.reset_index().drop_duplicates() ) result_df.set_index("datetime", inplace=True) result_df.sort_index(inplace=True) if len(result_df.index.unique()) != len(result_df.index): LOG.error("Merging did not result in unique indexes. Killing" " to avoid missing data") raise ValueError("Issue merging") except Exception as e: LOG.error("failed joining dataframes.") raise e return result_df
[docs]def append_df(df: Optional[pd.DataFrame], new_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame]): """ append 2 dfs handling Nones Args: df: optional dataframe new_df: optional dataframe Returns: dataframe or None """ if df is None: result_df = new_df elif new_df is None: result_df = df else: result_df = pd.concat([df, new_df]) return result_df
[docs]def resample_df(raw_df: pd.DataFrame, variable: SensorDescription, interval: str = 'H'): """ Resample an datatime indexed pandas dateframe to hourly or daily timer intervals. Resample a datetime indexed pandas dataframe for 1 variable Args: raw_df: Pandas Dataframe containing a datetime index at an interval smaller than hourly. variable: SensorDescriptions to be found in the dataframe interval: Interval to resample to. Options are H = Hourly, D=Daily Returns: df: Pandas Dataframe of a single variable resampled to the desired interval """ name = if name in raw_df.columns: if variable.accumulated: result = raw_df[name].resample(interval).sum() else: result = raw_df[name].resample(interval).mean() df = pd.DataFrame() df[name] = result df = df.dropna() else: df = None return df
[docs]def resample_whole_df(raw_df: pd.DataFrame, variable: SensorDescription, interval: str = 'H'): """ Resample an datatime indexed pandas dateframe to hourly or daily timer intervals. Resample a datetime indexed pandas dataframe for 1 variable Other columns get resampled with the .first() values Args: raw_df: Pandas Dataframe containing a datetime index at an interval smaller than hourly. variable: SensorDescriptions to be found in the dataframe interval: Interval to resample to. Options are H = Hourly, D=Daily Returns: df: Pandas Dataframe of a single variable resampled to the desired interval """ name = df = pd.DataFrame() columns = raw_df.columns if name in raw_df.columns: if variable.accumulated: result = raw_df[name].resample(interval).sum() else: result = raw_df[name].resample(interval).mean() df[name] = result df = df.dropna() # get the first value for the other columns for c in columns: if c != name: df[c] = raw_df[c].resample(interval).first() else: df = None return df
[docs]def shp_to_box(geometry): """ Convert a shapefiles geodataframe to the bounding box of the shapefile as a new geodataframe Args: geometry: geodataframe polygon Returns: geodataframe of the bounding box """ bounds = geometry.total_bounds # Returns a tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) # Create a Polygon from the bounding box coordinates bounding_box = Polygon([ (bounds[0], bounds[1]), (bounds[0], bounds[3]), (bounds[2], bounds[3]), (bounds[2], bounds[1]) ]) # Create a new GeoDataFrame to hold the bounding box geometry gdf_bbox = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': [bounding_box]}, return gdf_bbox