Source code for metloom.pointdata.base

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List

import pandas as pd

import geopandas as gpd

from ..variables import SensorDescription, VariableBase

LOG = logging.getLogger("metloom.pointdata.base")

[docs]class PointDataCollection: """ Iterator class for a collection of PointData objects. This allows conversion to a GeoDataFrame """ def __init__(self, points: List[object] = None): """ Args: points: List of point data objects """ self.points = points or [] self._index = 0
[docs] def add_point(self, point): """ Append point to collection of PointData objects Args: point: PointData object """ self.points.append(point)
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """ Returns: GeoDataFrame of points. Columns are ['name', 'id', 'geometry'] """ names = [] ids = [] meta = [] datasource = [] for point in self.points: names += [] ids += [] meta += [point.metadata] datasource += [point.DATASOURCE] obj = {"name": names, "id": ids, "datasource": datasource} return gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_dict(obj, geometry=meta)
def __len__(self): return len(self.points) def __iter__(self): for item in self.points: yield item
[docs]class PointData(object): ALLOWED_VARIABLES = VariableBase ITERATOR_CLASS = PointDataCollection DATASOURCE = None EXPECTED_COLUMNS = ["geometry", "datasource"] EXPECTED_INDICES = ["datetime", "site"] NON_VARIABLE_COLUMNS = EXPECTED_INDICES + EXPECTED_COLUMNS # Default kwargs for function points from geometry POINTS_FROM_GEOM_DEFAULTS = { 'within_geometry': True, 'snow_courses': False, 'buffer': 0.0, "filter_to_active": False } def __init__(self, station_id, name, metadata=None): """ Args: station_id: code used within datasource API to access station name: station name. This will be used in the GeoDataFrames metadata: Optional shapely point. This will bypass the _get_metadata method if provided """ = station_id = name self._metadata = metadata self.desired_tzinfo = "UTC"
[docs] def get_daily_data( self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, variables: List[SensorDescription], ): """ Get daily measurement data Args: start_date: datetime object for start of data collection period end_date: datetime object for end of data collection period variables: List of metloom.variables.SensorDescription object from self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES Returns: GeoDataFrame of data. The dataframe should be indexed on ['datetime', 'site'] and have columns ['geometry', 'site', 'measurementDate']. Additionally, for each variables, it should have column f'{}' and f'{}_UNITS' See CDECPointData._get_data for example implementation and TestCDECStation.tny_daily_expected for example dataframe. Datetimes should be in UTC """ raise NotImplementedError("get_daily_data is not implemented")
[docs] def get_hourly_data( self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, variables: List[SensorDescription], ): """ Get hourly measurement data Args: start_date: datetime object for start of data collection period end_date: datetime object for end of data collection period variables: List of metloom.variables.SensorDescription object from self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES Returns: GeoDataFrame of data. The dataframe should be indexed on ['datetime', 'site'] and have columns ['geometry', 'site', 'measurementDate']. Additionally, for each variables, it should have column f'{}' and f'{}_UNITS' See CDECPointData._get_data for example implementation and TestCDECStation.tny_daily_expected for example dataframe. Datetimes should be in UTC """ raise NotImplementedError("get_hourly_data is not implemented")
[docs] def get_snow_course_data( self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, variables: List[SensorDescription], ): """ Get snow course data Args: start_date: datetime object for start of data collection period end_date: datetime object for end of data collection period variables: List of metloom.variables.SensorDescription object from self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES Returns: GeoDataFrame of data. The dataframe should be indexed on ['datetime', 'site'] and have columns ['geometry', 'site', 'measurementDate']. Additionally, for each variables, it should have column f'{}' and f'{}_UNITS' See CDECPointData._get_data for example implementation and TestCDECStation.tny_daily_expected for example dataframe. Datetimes should be in UTC """ raise NotImplementedError("get_snow_course_data is not implemented")
def _get_metadata(self): """ Method to get a shapely Point object to describe the station location Returns: shapely.point.Point object in Longitude, Latitude """ raise NotImplementedError("_get_metadata is not implemented") def _handle_df_tz(self, val): """ Covert one entry from a df from cls.TZINFO to UTC """ if pd.isna(val): return val else: local = val.tz_localize(self.tzinfo) return local.tz_convert(self.desired_tzinfo) @property def tzinfo(self): """ tzinfo that pandas can use for tz_localize """ return self._tzinfo @property def metadata(self): """ metadata property Returns: shapely.point.Point object in Longitude, Latitude with z in ft """ if self._metadata is None: self._metadata = self._get_metadata() return self._metadata @classmethod def _add_default_kwargs(cls, kwargs): """ Populates the kwargs for the points from geometry function """ for k, v in cls.POINTS_FROM_GEOM_DEFAULTS.items(): if k not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[k] = v return kwargs
[docs] def points_from_geometry( self, geometry: gpd.GeoDataFrame, variables: List[SensorDescription], snow_courses=False, within_geometry=True, buffer=0.0 ): """ Find a collection of points with measurements for certain variables contained within a shapefile. Any point in the shapefile with measurements for any of the variables should be included Args: geometry: GeoDataFrame for shapefile from gpd.read_file variables: List of SensorDescription snow_courses: boolean for including only snowcourse data or no snowcourse data within_geometry: filter the points to within the shapefile instead of just the extents. Default True buffer: buffer added to search box Returns: PointDataCollection """ raise NotImplementedError("points_from_geometry not implemented")
[docs] @classmethod def validate_sensor_df(cls, gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame): """ Validate that the GeoDataFrame returned is formatted correctly. The goal of this method is to ensure base classes are returning a consistent format of dataframe """ if gdf is None: return assert isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame) columns = gdf.columns index_names = gdf.index.names # check for required indexes for ei in cls.EXPECTED_INDICES: assert ei in index_names # check for expected columns expected_columns = cls.EXPECTED_COLUMNS if "measurementDate" in columns: expected_columns = expected_columns + ["measurementDate"] for column in cls.EXPECTED_COLUMNS: assert column in columns remaining_columns = [c for c in columns if c not in expected_columns] # make sure all variables have a units column as well for rc in remaining_columns: if "_units" not in rc: assert f"{rc}_units" in remaining_columns
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({!r}, {!r})" def __str__(self): return f"{} ({})" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return == and ==