Source code for metloom.pointdata.mesowest

from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging
from os.path import abspath, expanduser, isfile
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests

import geopandas as gpd

from ..dataframe_utils import merge_df, resample_df
from ..variables import MesowestVariables, SensorDescription
from .base import PointData

LOG = logging.getLogger("metloom.pointdata.mesowest")

[docs]class MesowestPointData(PointData): ALLOWED_VARIABLES = MesowestVariables MESO_URL = "" META_URL = "" DATASOURCE = "Mesowest" POINTS_FROM_GEOM_DEFAULTS = { 'within_geometry': True, 'token_json': "~/.synoptic_token.json", 'buffer': 0.0 } NO_DATA_MESSAGE = 'No stations found for this request.' def __init__(self, station_id, name, token_json="~/.synoptic_token.json", metadata=None): super(MesowestPointData, self).__init__(station_id, name, metadata=metadata) self._raw_metadata = None self._raw_elements = None self._tzinfo = None self._token = None self._token_json = token_json # Add the token to our urls self._meta_url = self.META_URL + f"?token={self.token}" self._meso_url = self.MESO_URL + f"?token={self.token}"
[docs] @classmethod def get_token(cls, token_json): """ Return the token stored in the json """ token_json = abspath(expanduser(token_json)) if not isfile(token_json): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Token file missing. Please sign up for a token " "with Synoptic Labs and add it to a json using " "MesowestPointData.create_token_json(token)\n " f"Missing {token_json}!") with open(token_json) as fp: token = json.load(fp)['token'] return token
@property def token(self): if self._token is None: self._token = self.get_token(self._token_json) return self._token def _get_metadata(self): """ Method to get a shapely Point object to describe the station location which is assigned to the metadata property Returns: shapely.point.Point object in Longitude, Latitude """ shp_point = None if self._raw_metadata is None: resp = requests.get(self._meta_url, params={"stid":}) resp.raise_for_status() jresp = resp.json() self._raw_metadata = jresp["STATION"][0] shp_point = gpd.points_from_xy( [float(self._raw_metadata["LONGITUDE"])], [float(self._raw_metadata["LATITUDE"])], z=[float(self._raw_metadata["ELEVATION"])], )[0] return shp_point def _get_data(self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, variables: List[SensorDescription], interval='H'): """ Make get request to Mesowest and return JSON Args: start_date: datetime object for start of data collection period end_date: datetime object for end of data collection period variables: List of metloom.variables.SensorDescription object from self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES interval: String interval the resulting data is resampled to Returns: dictionary of response values """ fmt = '%Y%m%d%H%M' params = { "stid":, "start": start_date.strftime(fmt), "end": end_date.strftime(fmt), "vars": ",".join([s.code for s in variables]), 'units': 'metric', "obtimezone": "UTC", # this is the default } resp = requests.get(self._meso_url, params=params) resp.raise_for_status() response_data = resp.json() final_columns = ["geometry", "site"] df = None for sensor in variables: if response_data: sensor_df = self._sensor_response_to_df( response_data, sensor, final_columns, interval=interval) df = merge_df(df, sensor_df) if df is not None: df = df.dropna(axis=0) if len(df.index) > 0: # Set the datasource df["datasource"] = [self.DATASOURCE] * len(df.index) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.set_index(keys=["datetime", "site"], inplace=True) df.index.set_names(["datetime", "site"], inplace=True) else: df = None self.validate_sensor_df(df) return df @staticmethod def _choose_sensor_key(timeseries_response, sensor): """ Choose between possible keys for a variable Args: timeseries_response: the ["OBSERVATIONS"] return for a station sensor: the mesowest variable sensor description Returns: key for the data or None """ # check that the variable was returned set1 = f"{sensor.code}_set_1" set1d = f"{sensor.code}_set_1d" # choose the best possible response if set1 not in timeseries_response and set1d not in timeseries_response: return None elif set1 in timeseries_response and set1d in timeseries_response: len_vals = len([val for val in timeseries_response[set1] if val is not None and not np.isnan(val)]) len_vals2 = len([val for val in timeseries_response[set1d] if val is not None and not np.isnan(val)]) sensor_col = set1 if len_vals < len_vals2: sensor_col = set1d elif set1 in timeseries_response: sensor_col = set1 else: sensor_col = set1d return sensor_col def _sensor_response_to_df(self, response_data, sensor, final_columns, interval: str = 'H'): """ Convert the response data from the API to a GeoDataFrame Format and map columns in the dataframe Args: response_data: JSON list response from CDEC API sensor: SensorDescription obj final_columns: List of columns used for filtering interval: string interval for resampling Returns: GeoDataFrame """ # handle no data returned response_summary = response_data.get('SUMMARY') if response_summary and response_summary.get( "RESPONSE_MESSAGE" ) == self.NO_DATA_MESSAGE: return None # parse the data for the station station_response = response_data['STATION'] if len(station_response) == 0: return None else: timeseries_response = station_response[0]['OBSERVATIONS'] # check that the variable was returned sensor_col = self._choose_sensor_key(timeseries_response, sensor) if sensor_col is None: return None sensor_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( timeseries_response ) sensor_df.replace(-9999.0, np.nan, inplace=True) # This mapping is important. sensor_df.rename( columns={ "date_time": "datetime", sensor_col:, }, inplace=True, ) final_columns += [, f"{}_units"] sensor_df["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(sensor_df["datetime"]) # set index so joining works sensor_df.set_index("datetime", inplace=True) # handle timezones # mesowest can return utc so we do not need to localize sensor_df = sensor_df.tz_convert(self.desired_tzinfo) sensor_df = sensor_df.filter(final_columns) # make sure we resample to dataframe to the desired output freq sensor_df = resample_df(sensor_df, sensor, interval=interval) if sensor_df is None: return None # clean up dataframe and add other columns sensor_df = sensor_df.dropna(axis=0) sensor_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( sensor_df, geometry=[self.metadata] * len(sensor_df), ) sensor_df["site"] = [] * len(sensor_df) sensor_df[f"{}_units"] = response_data['UNITS'][sensor.code] return sensor_df
[docs] def get_hourly_data( self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, variables: List[SensorDescription], ): """ Get hourly measurement data Args: start_date: datetime object for start of data collection period end_date: datetime object for end of data collection period variables: List of metloom.variables.SensorDescription object from self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES Returns: GeoDataFrame of data. The dataframe should be indexed on ['datetime', 'site'] and have columns ['geometry', 'site']. Additionally, for each variables, it should have column f'{}' and f'{}_UNITS' See CDECPointData._get_data for example implementation and TestCDECStation.tny_daily_expected for example dataframe. Datetimes should be in UTC """ df = self._get_data(start_date, end_date, variables, interval='H') return df
[docs] def get_daily_data( self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, variables: List[SensorDescription], ): """ Get daily measurement data Args: start_date: datetime object for start of data collection period end_date: datetime object for end of data collection period variables: List of metloom.variables.SensorDescription object from self.ALLOWED_VARIABLES Returns: GeoDataFrame of data. The dataframe should be indexed on ['datetime', 'site'] and have columns ['geometry', 'site']. Additionally, for each variables, it should have column f'{}' and f'{}_UNITS' See CDECPointData._get_data for example implementation and TestCDECStation.tny_daily_expected for example dataframe. Datetimes should be in UTC """ df = self._get_data(start_date, end_date, variables, interval='D') return df
[docs] @classmethod def points_from_geometry( cls, geometry: gpd.GeoDataFrame, variables: List[SensorDescription], **kwargs ): """ See docstring for PointData.points_from_geometry Args: geometry: GeoDataFrame for shapefile from gpd.read_file variables: List of SensorDescription within_geometry: filter the points to within the shapefile instead of just the extents. Default True buffer: buffer added to search box token_json: Path to the public token for the mesowest api default = "~/.synoptic_token.json" Returns: PointDataCollection """ # assign defaults kwargs = cls._add_default_kwargs(kwargs) token = cls.get_token(kwargs['token_json']) projected_geom = geometry.to_crs(4326) bounds = projected_geom.bounds.iloc[0] buffer = kwargs["buffer"] adjusted_bounds = [ bounds["minx"] - buffer, bounds["miny"] - buffer, bounds["maxx"] + buffer, bounds["maxy"] + buffer, ] bbox_str = ','.join(str(ab) for ab in adjusted_bounds) var_list_str = ','.join([v.code for v in variables]) # Grab all the stations with the variables we want within a bounding box resp = requests.get(cls.META_URL + f"?token={token}", params={'bbox': bbox_str, 'vars': var_list_str}) resp.raise_for_status() points = [] if resp: jdata = resp.json() data = jdata['STATION'] points = [] for sta in data: points.append(MesowestPointData(station_id=sta['STID'], name=sta['NAME'], token_json=kwargs['token_json'])) # build the result geodataframe result_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_dict({'STID': [ for p in points], 'NAME': [ for p in points]}, geometry=[p.metadata for p in points]) # filter to points within shapefile if kwargs['within_geometry']: filtered_gdf = result_df[result_df.within( projected_geom.iloc[0]["geometry"])] points = [p for p in points if in filtered_gdf['STID'].values] return cls.ITERATOR_CLASS(points)
[docs] @classmethod def create_token_json(token): """ Creates the neccessary synoptic token json for mesowest requests. To get public token visit: Args: token: Syntoptic Lab's public token. Returns: None """ json_dict = {'token': token} with open(abspath(expanduser("~/.synoptic_token.json")), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(json_dict, outfile)